Donald Melvin F. Guevara

Don is from St. Louis, MO, USA and is now exploring the in-between liminal spaces that are defined to us by the operating systems in power. Donald is of indigenous Honduran and American German descent and was raised within a Congolese immigrant family. His ideas of borders are as wild as is his personality, or so he’d like to think.

It’s me, Donald, I really do like to think I’m weird and wild. My Cat Goose E Baby and I are Besties.

We want to one day, many years from now, know a dog- preferably an adopted puppy-named Boo Boo Fleek. They will be loved.

States Traveled


Countries traveled



A lot and still accepting :)

Broken heart

4 times, maybe 6

Broken back

1 time

Thanks To

My Mother and Sisters

Sister Judith Corrigan

The Katambwa Family

The Bahmandeji Family

Nick Jones

Mrs Reese

Mr Guilfoyle

Coach Freebersyser

Steve Lavalle

Terry Suhre

Mike Behle

FSU ‘22 MFA cohort :)

Carolyn Henne

Grace Aneiza Ali

Lilian Garcia-Roig

Cosmo Whyte

Meredith Lynn

Jabari Townsend

Carlee Sachs-Krook

Nicole James

Jamison Bulger

Shelby Evans

Michelle Castro

Mak Heineman

Alex Adkinson

Titus Kaphar

Jason Price

Kalia Brooks

Susie and Matt Dean

Romi Crawford

John Guzman

NXTHVN Cohort 04

Marissa Del Toro


All of my friends

Contact for inquiries