
I believe in fostering relationships with other human beings through the act of poetic relations using a glitched cyborg lens. All are welcome.




Queer and Mixed




My name is, Donald Melvin F. Guevara, and I’m an American of Honduran and German ethnicity. At the age of five I was adopted into a Congolese immigrant family with my mother, who is an ex-nun, by my side. This early introduction into contradiction, change, cultural differences and amalgamation, and the complexities of race and gender drive the work that I create. When making, I meticulously sculpt layered collage based works of drawings, found objects, and video to create vignettes and portals into the experience or state of mind that is attached to being within the “in-between” or occupying the space of the AFK (away from keyboard) Glitch. Images are selected, cut apart, and reformulated to create a new image that holds a code and context away from, yet still inherently attached, to the original images. This fusing and melting circumvents the original and gains agency and autonomy as being separate but not separated. Conceptions of the body, gender performativity, race and racial codes, language, and other aspects typically used to compartmentalize the individual are dealt with through the idea of decision making through incision making; slicing oneself into the greater conversation by remixing the original images. Limbs, some of the most difficult parts of the body to code through the lens of gender, twist, wrap, and overlap each other and in this dance is often the display of contradictory bodies and settings superimposed and cut together to become a new whole; the cyborg of cultural mixture in new virtualized arena.


Don is from St. Louis, MO, USA and is now exploring the in-between liminal spaces that are defined to us by the operating systems in power. Donald is of indigenous Honduran and American German descent and was raised within a Congolese immigrant family. His ideas of borders are as wild as is his personality, or so he’d like to think. He is forever grateful for his friends and family.




ST.Louis, Mo, USA 

38.6270° N, 90.1994° W

Columbia, MO, USA

38.9517° N, 92.3341° W

Chicago, IL, USA

41.8781° N, 87.6298° W

TAllaHassee, FL, USA

30.4383° N, 84.2807° W

El Progresso, Honduras

15°24'0'' N 87°48' W


It’s me, Donald, I really do like to think I’m weird and wild. My Cat Goose E Baby and I are Besties.


90% Earthling


10 out of 10 Recommend in taking the long way

Who I’m Reading

Jack Whitten

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Legacy Russell

Donna Harraway

Bell Hooks

TK Smith

Gloria Anzaldúa

Édouard Glissant

Graham Hancock

Tavia Nyong’o

Thanks To

My Mother and Sisters

Sister Judith Corrigan

The Bahmandeji Family

The Katambwa Family

Mrs Reese

Coach Hayes

Mr Guilfoyle

Coach Freebersyser

Steve LaValle

Terry Suhre

Mike Behle

FSU ‘22 MFA cohort :)

Carolyn Henne

Grace Aneiza Ali

Lilian Garcia-Roig

Cosmo Whyte

Jessica Ingram

Kellen Hoxworth

Meredith Lynn

Jabari Townsend

Carlee Sachs-Krook



The Bass Family

Titus Kaphar

Jason Price

All of my friends